Math/Computer Science Alumni Reflections
Adam Banatwala
Investment Engineer, Bridgewater Associates
Mathematics and Finance Major, Class of 2022
From the class of 2022, I am a Mathematics and Finance major soon to start as an Investment Engineer at a hedge fund named Bridgewater Associates. My incoming position there and my success at my current role at a corporate bank, State Street, despite sounding like they’d draw on my finance half, can almost entirely be attributed to my background in mathematics. Learning higher level math, as a whole, teaches you how to analyze, understand, and see the connections between different systems. These are invaluable skills in any industry, from math directly to the various sciences to management, politics, writing, etc., and certainly to finance. Learning math at PC taught me how to organize concepts and apply them rigorously in light of all the context I already knew; it has just as broad an application as it sounds.
Moreover, it was fun. Most of the math I learned prior to PC was the rote memorization of formulas and techniques. The program here actually taught me to see the connections, to derive those formulas for myself. I proved, on a midterm, that 1 + 1 = 2, and I bragged about it for days (highly recommend the Set Theory course). Especially as you get further into the major, the opportunities for collaborating with other students and researching with a professor (which I did multiple times, thank you Dr. Su) expand drastically. This lead me to form closer bonds with my classmates as we struggled on problems together while also giving me a say in what I wanted to learn. The program is highly flexible. At my and other students’ urging, Dr. Su lead a research group through writing a paper on Topology, and Dr. Donohoe taught a special class on Algebra for the handful of us who wanted round three. All of the department’s staff are friendly and want to engage with you, it was a vibrant time. During my time at PC meeting life-long friends and playing ultimate frisbee, I honestly looked forward to class sometimes simply to see my different professors, talking to them interchangeably about topology and holiday plans. It is a welcoming environment, and I look back on it fondly.
I entered PC as a computer science major, and I will forever be thankful that we had the math requirements that showed me I should switch.
Gianpaolo Colannino
Assistant Actuarial Analyst, AEGIS Insurance Services, Inc.
Mathematics Major, Class of 2024

I’m Gianpaolo Colannino, and I graduated from PC in 2024 with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. I also minored in Finance and Computer Science. While at Providence, I was a member of Friars Club, Club Soccer, and Campus Ministry, while also tutoring Mathematics. I started at PC as a Management major, but since I always had a hidden passion for math, I decided to switch to a Mathematics major during my second semester of Freshman year. I am forever grateful for this decision.
Providence College is unique in the way that every class you take will reap benefits in every aspect of your life, and every professor you have will change your outlook on your studies. Whether you are in DWC or Abstract Algebra II, you will leave every lecture with an important lesson on the material and an important lesson on life as a whole. Thanks to life-changing professors such as Dr. Donohoe and the entire mathematics department, I was able to explore fields of math that I never even knew existed. This allowed me to not only expand my skills as a mathematician, but also made me a better overall student and person. Math students at PC are very lucky, because they have professors like this at their disposal. If it wasn’t for courses such as Abstract Algebra or Real Analysis, I truly don’t think I would’ve come out of PC the same person. I would look forward to my math courses more than any other course, because I knew that there was a personal aspect of them that I was lucky to be a part of. Being a Math major taught me how to study well, balance my time, and, most importantly, how to apply an ever-growing field of study to the world today.
The Math faculty makes sure that all students have a good understanding of every path that they can take upon graduation, whether it is graduate school or something completely different. For me, this path was pursuing a career in the world of actuarial science, which led me to my position today as an Assistant Actuarial Analyst. In this field, we have to take a series of difficult exams to gain our actuarial credentials. These exams require hundreds of hours of studying, and when I told some of my professors that I was interested in becoming an actuary, they immediately made sure that I was taking the proper classes that would aid me in my exam process. Thus, since the first actuarial exam is on probability, I was suddenly in a Probability course, and I don’t think I would have passed that first exam if I was not pushed to take that course by my professors. Something that should be impossible to do while balancing a full course load suddenly became achievable because of my professors.
From professors to fellow classmates, I have made lifelong relationships as a math major at PC, and it has set me up for success in the most perfect way. I would have never found my field of work without mathematics at PC, and every second I spent in math class has helped me strive to become a well-rounded person in all that I do. You are one lucky person if you study math at PC!
Deanna Hammarsten
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Northampton Community College
M.A. in Mathematics, SUNY Stony Brook, Class of 2009
B.A. in Mathematics, Providence College, Class of 2007

My name is Deanna Hammarsten and I graduated from Providence College in 2007 with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. After graduating, I earned my Master of Arts in Mathematics from SUNY Stony Brook. I then taught high school math at an independent school for six years. After moving, I began teaching at Northampton Community College where I’ve worked for 8 years. I am now an associate professor of mathematics there.
While I always loved math, I had no intention of majoring in the subject. But from my first early morning section of MTH132 I realized I also couldn’t imagine ever not taking math. So, I continued to take mathematics courses despite not majoring. Eventually, with encouragement from Dr. Donohoe, I started tutoring math at the college for my peers. That experience was what unlocked the true love I have for mathematics and for sharing that love with others. This discovery ultimately led me to declare the major that opened the doors to my future profession.
My math professors at PC fostered my love of the subject, helped me grow in confidence, showed me what opportunities awaited me in the form of REUs and graduate school, supported my interests and those of my classmates with topics courses, and truly prepared me for what was to come. They were (and still are!) excellent role models. I know my own students benefit today from the experiences I had at PC and from the example set by my math department professors. Their mentorship didn’t stop when I graduated and I am lucky to be able to reach out to this day. I feel incredibly lucky to be a PC math graduate. Moral of the story: listen to the math department professors! It will change your life.
Lizzie McGuinness
Assistant Actuary, Blue Cross Blue Shield
B.A. in Mathematics, Class of 2021

I’m Lizzie McGuinness and I graduated from Providence College in 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. I was undeclared and unsure what to pursue when I first arrived at PC—and with many interesting opportunities available, the idea of having to figure out which path to follow was quite daunting. Having always been fond of math classes, I enrolled in several my freshman year, and long story short, that was that. Short story long—I’m so grateful for the mathematics community in which I found myself (both literally and figuratively).
I took several courses with the amazing Dr. Joanna Su, a brilliant and encouraging professor, whom I was fortunate enough to spend two semesters with researching topics in Topology and Homological Algebra during my final college years. Over my four years at PC, she not only helped me develop my mathematical abilities and problem solving skills through coursework, but she supported me in even greater ways as my advisor. She helped me discover my preference for pure mathematics over applied, and which classes best suited me based on my own personal interests. If you’re lucky enough to take some math classes with her, you may also hear some of the best personal anecdote stories!
While at PC I was also fortunate enough to study under Dr. Liam Donohoe, an exceptionally accomplished professor who taught arguably the most challenging but rewarding classes of my college career. I owe him a particular thank you in regard to his Abstract Algebra tests, which led me to develop the best studying and test taking strategies of, dare I say, my life! These lessons and tactics not only helped me during my college math years, but beyond as well, because, believe it or not, some of us won’t be taking our final math exam in college.
After leaving PC, I began pursuing an actuarial career and studying for the entry level exams. Currently, I am working as an assistant actuary at Blue Cross Blue Shield while I continue to build my actuarial credentials to obtain an Associateship designation. My time at PC in the mathematics department undoubtedly helped prepare me for my post college endeavors.
I cannot adequately express how grateful I am for the experiences and mentorship I had studying under this department. I hope anyone entering PC not knowing exactly what they want can find comfort in embracing what finds them—and if they are pursuing mathematics, in knowing they are in the best hands surrounded by the most caring and thoughtful academic community members.
Laura Murray
Assistant Professor, Providence College
PhD in Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, 2020
B.A. in Mathematics and Humanities, Class of 2014

I graduated from PC in 2014, with a double major in mathematics and humanities. In addition to the courses in the usual sequence for math majors, I was able to take several independent study courses with various faculty members to prepare for graduate school. After PC, I went to grad school school in math at Notre Dame, where my research area was algebraic topology (studying the shape of abstract spaces). In my current research, I’m interested in using algebraic topology to model things in quantum physics. After graduating from Notre Dame, I got my dream job—joining the faculty in the PC math department.
My favorite part about my undergraduate time at PC was the community, not just with peers but also with faculty members. I think this latter opportunity, for students to make individual connections with faculty, is particularly unique to PC, with the small class sizes and the willingness of faculty to offer very personalized courses. The independent studies I took during my senior year were immensely helpful in preparing me for the rigor of graduate math courses, and I’m deeply grateful to those faculty members for listening to and caring about my life goals, and gifting me the tools needed to get there.
Clare Minnerath
Graduate Student, University of Washington
B.S. in Computer Science, B.A. in Mathematics, Class of 2020

My name is Clare Minnerath and I graduated from Providence College in 2020 with degrees in Math and Computer Science. I was a member of the PC women’s ice hockey team and the Liberal Arts Honors Program. Over the 4 years at PC the Math and CS community supported and encouraged me to reach my goals. Within the first two years, Dr. Wilkens helped me apply to research internships, I had fun tackling the problems of the week posted by Dr. Hoag, and Dr. Su added meaningful personal touches to her courses. As my time went on I completed research projects and began tutoring during the evenings in the upstairs of Howley, further connecting me with my peers and incoming students in the program. And it was in Dr. Donohoe’s Abstract Algebra course where I found the most excitement for math and inspiration to teach.
The math faculty have continued their support for my goals beyond my time at PC. After graduating I worked as a software engineer at Voltaiq, a battery analytics startup, before deciding to go back for further schooling. Dr. Su and Dr. Donohoe eagerly answered my questions about what to expect from mathematics graduate programs as well as assisting with the application process. I am now studying Algebraic Combinatorics in the Mathematics department at the University of Washington. If you are looking for close faculty connections and support, the Math and Computer Science department at PC goes unmatched.
Deirdre Coulter
Jr. Quantitative Developer, SEI Investments
M.S. in Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, Class of 2021
B.A. in Mathematics, Providence College, Class of 2019

My name is Deirdre Coulter, and I graduated from Providence College in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and a minor in Computer Science. I was also a member of the Liberal Arts Honors Program, which was instrumental in shaping me into the person I am today. Throughout my time at PC, I was mostly involved in Campus Ministry, specifically in the St. Cecilia Praise and Worship Ensemble and as a sacristan. I also loved my time tutoring other students in math in the evenings. Moreover, the Math and CS faculty at PC afforded me the great opportunity to apply and attend a summer REU in mathematical phylogenetics at Hobart and William Smith colleges.
The Fall after graduating, I began my graduate school journey at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, IN. My degree is in Mathematics, specifically in Commutative Algebra. My research focused on Ordinary and Symbolic Powers of Ideals. After graduating, I moved back to my hometown in Pennsylvania where I work for an investment firm in a cross-discipline role that encompasses cloud infrastructure and computing, coordination of data across systems, and implementing investment strategies at scale. In this time, I also met my beloved fiancé!
Although I have jumped around quite a bit on topics as evidenced here, the foundation laid by my wonderful professors prepared me so well for a variety of projects in graduate school and beyond. I will never forget the extra time Drs. Liam Donohoe, Joanna Su, and Adam Villa, as well as countless others, generously gave to set me up for success in my future. It truly made the difference, and I am so grateful!
Lauren Flynn
Bioinformatician, Boston Children’s Hospital
M.S. Computational Biology and Quantitative Genetics, Harvard University, Class of 2023
B.A. in Mathematics, B.A. in Biology, Computer Science Minor, Class of 2021

My name is Lauren, and I graduated from Providence College in 2021 with a double major in biology and mathematics, and a minor in computer science. During my time at PC, I was part of the Liberal Arts Honors Program and a member of the Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Medical Honor Society, Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society, and the Sigma Xi Research Honor Society. I had the incredible opportunity to work on dog genomics research with Dr. Elisabeth Arevalo in the biology department and to delve into topology research with Dr. Joanna Su in the mathematics department. Additionally, I was involved with Campus Ministry’s volunteer programs, and I served as a mathematics tutor.
After graduating, I pursued a master’s degree in computational biology and quantitative genetics at Harvard University. At Harvard, I applied the biological, mathematical, and computational skills I honed at PC to research both air pollution as well as hereditary cancer prediction. I completed my master’s in 2023, and I am now working as a bioinformatician in the pulmonary division of Boston Children’s Hospital.
The mathematics department at PC was instrumental in shaping my academic and career trajectory. I am especially grateful to Dr. Donohoe, Dr. Hoag, and Dr. Su. Through the math department, I had the chance to compete in undergraduate mathematics competitions and connect with other math enthusiasts nationwide. Dr. Donohoe played a pivotal role in my decision to study abroad through the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics program in Hungary, where I immersed myself in both mathematics and Hungarian culture. My coursework, research, and extracurricular activities at PC prepared me well for my career, and I am truly thankful to have been part of such a supportive and vibrant community.
Bernadette Boyle
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Sacred Heart University
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, Class of 2012
B.A. in Mathematics, Theology Minor, Honors program, Class of 2007

When I arrived at Providence College, I wasn’t set on a major although I knew I wanted to do something with math or science. After a few semesters of classes with the math faculty, I knew that math is what I was meant to study. These classes taught me how to break down problems, think logically and evaluate all possible situations. The math department was not only supportive of my academic growth, but also of my other endeavors. Beyond his help with my academics, my advisor, Dr. Liam Donohoe, was always checking up on how I was doing as a member of the cross country and track teams at PC. It was during his office hours that I was first introduced to another student who became my best friend at PC! I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after college and due to the suggestion of Dr. Donohoe, I participated in a research experience for undergraduates (REU) at Central Michigan University the summer before my senior year. This exposure to research motivated me to pursue graduate school. The math faculty at PC were very supportive of my goal to earn a Ph.D. and offered multiple independent study courses beyond the standard math major at PC. These experiences built a great foundation which helped me to succeed in graduate school.
I earned my Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame in 2012. I then returned to my hometown of Fairfield Connecticut as a math professor at Sacred Heart University where I now have tenure. I hope to encourage students the way the faculty at PC inspired me. In addition to my role as a professor at Sacred Heart, I am also the faculty mentor to the varsity cross country and track & field teams. In this role, I have used my mathematical skills to write a computer scoring program to help make projections regarding the team’s performance at championship meets. This faculty mentor position combines my passion for the sport, desire to serve others and employs my analytical thinking, all of which were nurtured at PC. As a bonus, I occasionally see the PC team and coaches when I travel with the team to competitions!
I would not be where I am today without the support and encouragement of those at PC. I hope that I can do the same for my students.
Michael Foss
Mathematical Statistician, U.S. Census Bureau
M.S. in Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University, Class of 2021
B.A. in Mathematics, B.A. in Spanish, Class of 2019

My name is Michael Foss and I graduated from Providence College in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish. I also had the privilege of being a member of the Liberal Arts Honors Program, and I remember my time at PC fondly and often. In addition to my academics, I was active in the Admissions Ambassadors Club, serving on its Executive Board my junior and senior years. I was a summer tour guide for two summers and loved getting the opportunity to share my appreciation of Providence College with prospective students.
After graduating in 2019, I relocated to Clemson, South Carolina to attend graduate school. My master’s degree is in Mathematical Sciences with an emphasis in Statistics. My research focused on using chemical and meteorological measurements to predict ozone concentrations in Worcester, MA. After graduating in 2021, I moved to Washington, D.C. where I work full time for the United States Census Bureau. I also teach college math courses as an adjunct professor.
The math professors I had at Providence College inspired me to continue my studies and to get into teaching college math. In addition to being qualified, intelligent instructors, the faculty in the mathematics department grew to become part of my PC family. I learned a lot more about life than just mathematics from the professors at PC, and I am particularly indebted to Drs. Asta Shomberg, Joanna Su, and Liam Donohoe for their guidance during my time at PC—and beyond.
Go Friars!
Jackie Anderson
Full Professor of Mathematics, Bridgewater State University
PhD in Mathematics, Brown University, Class of 2013
B.A. in Mathematics, Computer Science Minor, Class of 2008

I graduated in 2008 with a degree in mathematics and a minor in computer science. While at PC, in addition to taking as many math classes as I could, I tutored math and computer science, volunteered at an after-school program, and played lots of intramural sports. After graduating from PC, I entered a Ph.D. program in math at Brown University. At Brown, I studied number theory and dynamical systems, and I completed my Ph.D. in 2013. I then got a job as an assistant professor in the mathematics department at Bridgewater State University, where I’ve been working for the past 11 years. I was recently promoted to full professor, and I’ve greatly enjoyed the career that I’ve built there so far.
I’m so grateful for the education and mentorship that I received at PC. If Dr. Donohoe hadn’t pulled me aside and talked to me about graduate school and summer research programs, I wouldn’t have known about the opportunities that led me to where I am today. When I started grad school alongside classmates who came from major research institutions, I was worried about my ability to keep up, but I quickly learned that my PC professors prepared me well for graduate school and beyond. I’m also grateful for the liberal arts education I received, and I’m reminded of its value every time I have to use my writing and communication skills at work.
Ayushi Sinha
Senior Scientist, Philips
PhD in Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University
B.S. in Computer Science, B.A. in Mathematics, Class of 2011

My name is Ayushi Sinha and my journey at Providence College started in 2007 when I came to the United States looking to play college tennis while pursuing a degree in Computer Science. Soon after, thanks to encouragement from several faculty members, I added Mathematics as a second major. Pursuing a double major was one of the best decisions I made as my knowledge of group theory (albeit minor) helped me get into graduate school. I am also extremely grateful to Dr. Donohoe who encouraged me to consider a future in research, an area I was unfamiliar with, to Dr. Connelly who created a course that I was the only student in in order to help me prepare for my graduate studies, Dr. Wilkens who helped me grow in confidence in my coding skills, and Dr. Ford who guided me throughout my four years.
Since completing my PhD in Computer Science at the Johns Hopkins University, I have been working as a researcher exploring ways to improve human machine collaboration in X-ray-guided medical procedures at Philips. I am grateful for the journey that brought me here and often lean back on the courses I took in college (shout out to linear algebra). I also continue to play tennis when I can.
Mackenzie Maude
M.S. program in Mathematics, University of Rhode Island
B.A. in Mathematics, B.A. in Art History, French minor

My time at PC was made into what it was thanks to the Math Department. I transferred to Providence as a second semester freshman and mathematics major. It turned out that there is so much math beyond calculus that I had never heard of until I came to PC and so many wonderful people I would meet because of it. Math people are the best people, especially at Providence. Howley Hall will always feel like home to me.
Dr. Donohoe was assigned to me as my advisor when I first transferred and he became the first of many people in my support system at PC. He took the time over the years to get to know me as a student and as a person and has helped me with numerous job/internship/graduate school applications. My sophomore year I joined the Providence College Dance Company, declared my double major in Art History, declared my minor in French, and began working as a math tutor for the department. In the spring of my sophomore year I commenced what would become 5 semesters of research in topology with Dr. Su. I learned so much about what the research experience is like in mathematics, including how to write a research paper. Conducting research at PC also allowed me to forge a connection with another incredible professor and become
friends with other mathematics students.
After graduating from PC at the top of my class, I taught high school math for a year at an independent high school in CT. I am currently a MS in Mathematics candidate and Graduate Teaching Assistant at URI on track to graduate in May of 2025. Afterwards I plan to continue my education and pursue a PhD in Mathematics in hopes of having a career in academia. I hope to be to my students who Dr. Donohoe and Dr. Su were (and still are!) to me. I credit much of my success and growth as a student, mathematician, teacher, and human to having been part of this department. Thanks to PC’s Math Department I gained confidence in myself and my potential. I would not be as successful as a graduate student without the encouragement an dedication from my professors at PC.
Katrina Smith
FP&A Finance Trainee
B.A in Mathematics, B.S. in Finance, Class of 2023

My name is Katrina Smith and I graduated from Providence College in 2023 with of Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Science in Finance. During my time at PC, I was in the Liberal Arts Honors Program, a member of Pi Mu Epsilon, and a mathematics tutor at the college’s Tutoring Center. I was also Vice President of the Pre-Law Society and Vice President of the college’s One Love chapter.
After graduation, I moved to St. Louis, Missouri to join a rotational finance program for an agribusiness company called Bunge. Bunge is a key player in the agribusiness space delivering food and fuel solutions to the world. Within my rotational program I am fortunate enough to experience various areas of the business and bring new insight to the teams with which I work. I began my time with the company working in our Corporate FP&A department, where I supported the team with monthly and quarterly reporting duties. In my current rotation, I am working within one of our core segments completing projects that are intended to bring direct value to the business. My final rotation will be to return to Corporate FP&A with the goal of implementing new software in order to automate reporting processes. In my spare time, I enjoy exploring the city of St. Louis which includes, but is not limited to, beautiful parks, delicious coffee shops, lively breweries, and a lot of baseball.
I am beyond grateful for the professors in the Mathematics department at Providence College. Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today and that is the truth. After enduring an injury during the first semester of senior year, the professors in the Mathematics department made it possible for me to not miss a beat. I owe them much more than I am able to express! Dr. Donohoe, in particular, has remained not only a mentor to me, but a friend, supporting me not only during my time at PC, but on my journey after graduation as well. I encourage everyone to build these relationships; you will grow in confidence in yourself and have an everlasting support system!
Laura Rosa
Principal Software-Cyber Engineer
Master of Science in Cybersecurity, Johns Hopkins University

My name is Laura Rosa and I graduated from Providence College in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. During my time at PC, I was a part of the Liberal Arts Honors Program, a member of Pi Mu Epsilon, and worked as a tutor in mathematics for the Mathematics and Computer Science Department.
After graduating from PC in 2017, I went on to work as a software engineer at Raytheon Technologies (formerly Raytheon) on a development team that worked on radar systems. After three years, I decided it was time to go back to school and applied for what was known at Raytheon as the “Advanced Study Program”. I was awarded this program, which granted me free tuition and paid time off to study, and went to Johns Hopkins University and received my Masters of Science in Cybersecurity. I always felt like cybersecurity was a great application of both of my undergraduate degrees, and I took a real interest in it. During my master’s program, I also switched programs at Raytheon and started my career as a software-cyber engineer. Since then, I’ve worked a lot with cryptography and key management. I have also written abstracts and presented my accepted papers in internal symposiums at Raytheon as well.
I owe a lot to the professors at Providence College, specifically those in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department. Howley Hall was my home and the professors were my friends and my mentors. If you asked me as a Freshman if I thought I would be where I am now, I would say absolutely not. I was taught all of the necessary tools I needed to help me succeed in the career I have today. I was also always met with encouragement and enthusiasm from my peers and professors, and it helped me gain the confidence I carry with me now. I have such an appreciation for the community I built at Providence College. I am forever grateful and forever a Friar!
Nicholas Andrews
DO program , New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine
Mathematics & Biology Major

My name is Nicholas Andrews, and I graduated from Providence College in 2019 with a double major in Biology & Mathematics. I was also a member of the Liberal Arts Honors Program. During my time at PC, I had a passion for getting involved in campus life. I held a role as an Admission Ambassador, was a member of the Board of Multicultural Student Affairs (BMSA), and served as the President of the Portuguese Alliance of Lusophone Students. Additionally, I spent time as a private mathematics tutor and a general chemistry teaching assistant. Providence College became my “home away from home,” and even today, not a day goes by where I do not think about my time at PC.
After graduating, I worked full-time as an emergency department medical scribe for Brown Emergency Medicine at Rhode Island Hospital and then transitioned into my role as a clinical research assistant at Rhode Island Hospital for Brown Neurology. I am currently in the process of completing my Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree at New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine on Long Island, NY. I am on track to graduate in May 2025 and hope to specialize in Emergency Medicine after graduation. As a future physician, I need to have a strong ability to think critically, which is something I was able to develop during my time at PC, especially as a math major. The mathematics department at PC encouraged me to continuously think outside of the box and to always question how or why something worked the way it did – this was particularly true for my Abstract Algebra courses!
I love the math department at PC because of how close-knit it is. The faculty knew me personally by name and were always willing to go the extra mile to help me. My mentor and now friend, Dr. Liam Donohoe, is a perfect example of this. Dr. Donohoe helped foster my love for mathematics and was always accessible via email or office hours to help with assignments or even just to talk about life. It was partly because of him that I decided to add on my double major in mathematics during the spring of my sophomore year. The welcoming, personalized, and genuine learning environment that the mathematics department at Providence College offers is something I truly believe you cannot get anywhere else.
Sarah Heavren
Masters in Environmental Science and Management program, University of Rhode Island
Mathematics & History & American Studies Major

I graduated from PC in 2021 with a BA in mathematics, history, and American studies, and I am a proud winner of the 2021 department t-shirt contest. While at PC, I enjoyed finding ways of bringing the higher-level abstract and analytical thinking skills I developed in my mathematics classes to other disciplines. Learning how to think abstractly and problem-solve helped me with my history research decoding seventeenth century shorthand, with my writing, and with making thematic connections in Civ.
I will graduate with a Masters in Environmental Science and Management and with certificates in GIS and Remote Sensing and in Hydrology from the University of Rhode Island in the spring of 2024. This past summer, I worked as a GIS Assistant with the National Parks of Boston collecting geospatial data to be used for climate change resiliency planning at the Charlestown Navy Yard. My mathematics background helped prepare me for my spatial analysis coursework by training me to think abstractly and problem-solve. Additionally, having a mathematics background has helped me pivot to hydrologic science and conduct quantitative analyses.
The selflessness and encouragement of my mathematics professors at PC made me feel comfortable asking questions, asking for help, and ensuring that I learned as much as possible from my classes. My advisor, Dr. Donohoe, was nothing but supportive as I crossed disciplines and brought the mathematics mindset to my other studies. The support I received in the mathematics department and the joy of having hard work pay off in challenging classes has made me more confident in my abilities as an analytical thinker and a problem-solver.
Shannon Rooney
Master of Architecture program, Northeastern University
Mathematics & Studio Art Major

I graduated from PC in 2021 with a double major in Mathematics and Studio Art with a concentration in ceramics. During my time at Providence I was in the honors program, I was a mathematics tutor with the Office of Academic Services, the co-president of Art Club, and I helped start the Club Softball team. Academically, I was involved in mathematics research in applied topology with Dr. Joanna Su and spent a lot of time in the ceramics studio working towards my thesis exhibition. Currently, I am in my final year of a 3-year Master of Architecture program at Northeastern University.
Architecture is an inherently interdisciplinary field, and bringing my experiences in liberal arts prepared me to think about different structures that influence the world we live in. Taking part in mathematical research also provided me with a logical methodology to approach any complex problem. Coming into my time at PC, I was undecided in my major, and I ultimately declared a double major in mathematics and studio art because I love calculus, and I love making art. In continuing my study of mathematics, I found a love for the type of thinking involved in solving complex problems, and the gratification that comes with finally cracking a tough anti-derivative or proof. This process of working through tough problems and having that rewarding feeling when you solve it is similar to working through a design project, when you’re struggling and finally have that breakthrough idea. In this way I like to think that architecture synthesizes my two core academic interests.
I have such fond memories of my experiences during my undergraduate career at Providence College. If you are like me and come into your college experience with no idea what you want to study or pursue in your career, keep an open mind and be ready to take part in experiences you might not have considered before, there’s no rush to start the rest of your life. And of course hang on to your TI-84, I still use mine almost every day!
Olivia Dickinson
PhD Program in Medical Physics, Duke University
Mathematics & Physics Major, Class of 2021

“I’m Olivia Jo, commonly referred to as OJ, and I was a double major in applied physics and mathematics as well as in the honors college program while at Providence. Academics aside, I was also very involved in campus ministry, was a tutor in the tutoring center, and was a 400-meter hurdler for the Providence women’s track team. My time at Providence was multi-faceted and allowed me to expand my skillset in a way that not only helped me grow as a scientist and mathematician but as a thoughtful and intentional
contributor to society.
I am currently pursuing my Ph.D. at Duke University in the medical physics program while concurrently obtaining an electrical engineering master’s degree. I am working on wireless RF receive coil technology for MRI scanners which involves clock synchronization network setup, ADC R&D, as well as Wi-Fi and GPS antenna engineering. The integration of these technologies as they relate to the healthcare field and patient experience is extremely motivating and energizing. My running career has continued as well, yet transitioned to more long-distance running as I am training for another half-marathon soon!
Providence College offers a unique opportunity to become a multi-faceted individual due to the liberal arts experience you encounter. Everyone advertises this when you arrive, but it is exceedingly true. If you decide to pursue a graduate degree, it can initially be intimidating to apply to some of the leading scientific institutions when you come from a small liberal arts school, but I have realized that it is actually a huge advantage. I am thankful that while I may have arrived at graduate school not having taken as many subspeciality technical classes as some of my peers, I had the skills many scientists lack– the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently. If you can’t communicate your science, you can’t make as significant an impact because you won’t be able to get people on board or in support of you of your ideas. Take those Civ classes seriously and know you’ll be all the better because of it. Remember there are no limitations to what you can do after graduating from Providence College, it’s an open neighborhood out there for any open-minded individuals belonging to the set of Providence College math students.”
Tom Arbeiter
Software Engineer, General Dynamics
Mathematics & Computer Science Major, Class of 2021

“I began my time at PC as a Computer Science major; however, soon after my first semester I began work on a Mathematics degree as well with a particular interest in all things algebra (thanks Dr. Su and Dr. Donohoe!). I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with either of these degrees, but I knew I loved solving hard problems and writing long proofs on chalkboards (it’s fun, I promise) – turns out I picked the right majors! Outside of the classroom, I competed as a member of the Men’s Cross Country and Track and Field teams for my 4 years at PC.
After leaving PC, I began work as a Software Engineer at General Dynamics Mission Systems as a member of their Engineering Leadership Program. In my two years at GDMS, I’ve had the opportunity to continue solving hard problems in support of our nation’s defense (though there are fewer chalkboards at work than at PC!). At the same time, I am working towards earning my Master’s of Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin. And, most importantly, I’m still running!
There are so many aspects of my time at PC that have contributed to the person I’ve become today, but there are two things particular that I would encourage others to consider. First, embrace all of PC – not just the Math or CS class, but DWC, philosophy, and theology too. I often joke about being a Liberal Arts engineer, but there are valuable lessons in those experiences that will shape how you think about difficult problems. Second, as you embrace all of PC, say yes to as many opportunities that you can! I could have said no when Dr. Su strongly encouraged me to declare a Math major, but in doing so I would’ve shut the door on a whole new side of myself before ever giving it a chance. There are so many people who will help you realize your potential – don’t be afraid to listen to them and trust them!
Go Friars!”
Heather Chan
Software Engineer, Raytheon
Mathematics & Computer Science Major, Class of 2021

My time at PC felt incredibly short, but it set the course for my life going forward. My freshman year, I declared a major in Mathematics, but I did not know where that would lead me career-wise down the road. I had never written code until my first Intro to Computer Science class at PC, which was a requirement for Math majors. This class sparked my passion for programming, and I decided to declare a double major in CS. In order to become more involved in Mathematics and CS at PC, I became a tutor in the subjects and even started a Math & CS Club with a few of my classmates.
Some of my favorite and most memorable Math and CS courses at PC were Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Data Structures. While the education I received from all of my Math and CS courses is invaluable, it is the relationship with the professors and students that I treasure the most. The mentorship I received from some of my professors at PC is what led me to pursue a career in the Math and CS field. I would have never imagined that I would have chosen the career that I did today, but I chose to follow my passions and strengths with the support of my professors.
My Mathematics and Computer Science education at PC has led me to become a Software Engineer at Raytheon Technologies. Even though I never wrote a line of code before the age of 19, I was able to become a Software Engineer just a couple of years later, and I credit the determination and knowledge I acquired throughout my time at PC. Having a background in Mathematics is vitally important, not only for a Software Engineer, but in countless other careers. I value my time spent at PC, and I am forever thankful for the guidance and education that I received from the PC Mathematics and Computer Science department.
Marissa Como
Computer Science & Mathematics, Class of 2017

Marissa majored in mathematics and computer science. Throughout her undergraduate career, Marissa worked as a computer science tutor for the Providence College Mathematics & Computer Science Department and managed WDOM 91.3FM’s website as a member of the radio board. Marissa has participated in a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at Lehigh University and an internship at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Currently, she is attending the University of Pennsylvania and plans to receive her M.S.E. in Computer Graphics and Game Technology in 2019. Marissa has received the Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship through the Department of Defense and will be working as an associate engineer for the Information Directorate at Air Force Research Laboratory in Rome, NY when she finishes her master’s degree in 2019.
“As a computer science and math major at Providence College, the computer science and math building (Howley Hall) was my favorite place to go because I knew my friends would be there doing homework, tutoring younger students, and enjoying each other’s company.
My experiences in the computer science program were defined by my teachers. Dr. Wilkens, Dr. Villa, and Dr. Ford make the computer science program great.
From my first day of class in CSC 103, Dr. Wilkens created a community of students who laughed and learned together. She has a way of making everyone in her class feel included in the discussion and important to the class community. One of our first homework assignments was to code a drunken sailor. This was a program that had a dot moving along a random path. I misunderstood the directions, got overzealous, and coded a moving robot (a bunch of rectangles moving around). Instead of telling me to redo the project, Dr. Wilkens was excited about what I had done and had me present it to the class! After class she showed me what I had done wrong. This first assignment showed me that in computer science it was okay to be creative, ask questions, and make mistakes.
Dr. Villa is an outstanding professor that is able to break down complicated computer science concepts and algorithms into understandable pieces that all fit together. He is an extremely understanding and compassionate person who is always really helpful with homework questions. As my advisor, Dr. Villa was always someone I felt like I could go to.
Dr. Ford cares about each and every computer science student. The summer after I graduated from Providence College I was applying to a scholarship and had emailed Dr. Ford asking for a recommendation letter. That day, he called me on the phone just to make sure I had everything I needed to apply for the scholarship.
As a master’s student at the University of Pennsylvania, I have gained a newfound appreciation for the uniqueness of the community found in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department at Providence College. Had I gone to a school with a bigger department, I honestly do not think I would have majored in computer science or mathematics. This small community of students and faculty completely changed the trajectory of my career path, and I could not be more grateful.”
Ashley Richards
Mathematics, Class of 2015

Ashley majored in mathematics with minors in both economics and finance. While at Providence, she received the Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship through the Department of Defense. Upon graduation, she began working at Hanscom Air Force Base in Bedford, MA as an operations research analyst. There, she uses her mathematical knowledge to turn engineering and technical requirements into quantitative dollar amounts in order to estimate the cost of programs, which involves the use of analogies, parametric relationships, and other statistical modeling tools. Ashley is currently working on the 4th priority Air Force program, Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) Recapitalization, which is a modernization program that aims to produce a fleet of 17 aircraft with complex radar and communications subsystems for use in reconnaissance missions. She also attended Northeastern University and received her M.S. in Applied Mathematics in 2018.
“The faculty at Providence College definitely prepared me to succeed both in the workplace and in future academic endeavors. I really appreciate their helpfulness and responsiveness to students; it is nice to have teachers who really care about their students’ lives and who want to help them reach their full potential. I enjoyed their variety of teaching styles and ability to communicate information clearly and concisely to students. I found the math community at Providence to be quite close-knit and inviting, and it has set the bar for my future experiences at work and in school.”
Goldie Hang
Computer Science, Class of 2013

Goldie majored in computer science with a minor in mathematics. Throughout her undergraduate career, Goldie worked in the Information Technology department at Providence College as a Helpdesk Consultant and was involved in a number of student clubs and organizations. She is currently working as a Software Analyst at CORE Business Technologies in East Providence, RI.
“As a computer science major at Providence College I was really able to explore my interest in the computer field due to the smaller class sizes, which allowed for great conversation and exchange of ideas related to computer technology, and the professors. My professors were attentive and encouraged students to conduct outside research to further our own studies. As an advisor, Dr. Wilkens was very attentive and helped lead me to explore classes of other fields that I was interested in and tying them in to computer science. She is very knowledgeable of the computer science field and inspires students to pursue studies and projects in which some of their non-academic passions lie. Overall, the program prepared me well to become a Jill-of-all-Trade in the industry and helped me to discover my desire and passion for a career in software development.”
Joshua Mazick
Mathematics major, Class of 2013

Josh majored in both mathematics and psychology. He is currently a graduate student at the University of Maryland in College Park where he is pursuing a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics. At PC, Josh participated in several mathematics competitions including the Putnam Exam. While at PC, he worked as a resident assistant, research assistant, and personal trainer. In his free time he enjoys reading, running, and learning new things.
“I believe the mathematics program at PC has prepared me for whatever I will face in my Ph.D. program and beyond. The professors in the department are amazing; they go beyond simply teaching the material at hand. The most important thing I learned in my mathematics courses was not a theorem, corollary, or proof — it was the ability to think critically and creatively. Before coming to PC, I never considered the need for creativity in math — pretty much everything I had been exposed to had a clear cut process to find a solution or very rigid steps in a proof. The real world is not like that, there are many paths to the same endpoint; my friends and I realized that when comparing proofs for homework assignments — inevitably we would have four or five different approaches (and usually all of them were right). The mathematics department at PC does not just prepare you to solve complicated problems or proofs as a parlor trick — as it turns out, in most parlors reciting the proof for the Heine–Borel theorem elicits more confused stares than it does applause — rather it teaches you to think on your toes.
Xiaodan Situ
Mathematics major, Class of 2013

Xiaodan majored in both mathematics and accountancy. Immediately after graduation, she began working as a member of the tax staff at Wolf & Company in Boston.
“From my experience, all the professors are extremely passionate about teaching. Besides helping their students perform well in their math classes, they are also very concerned about their students’ post-college plans and encourage their students to apply their mathematical knowledge to different fields, such as teaching, engineering, and business. They are willing to offer independent study courses based on a student’s interest. One of my professors suggested that I apply my math skills to a business field because I was not interested in teaching or mathematics research. My professor’s advice greatly influenced me and I ended up declaring a double major in math and accounting. The quantitative skills I obtained from my math courses allowed me to excel in my business courses.”
Isaac Wash
Mathematics major, Class of 2007

Since graduation, Isaac Wash has held various analyst roles at the Insurance Services Office in Jersey City, NJ. His work involves actuarial analysis, relying heavily on statistics and regression analyses to forecast future automobile insurance losses. Recently, Isaac has been involved in an area of emerging technology called vehicle telematics, which allows insurance companies to record the driving behaviors (e.g. accelerations, braking events) of their policyholders at sub-second time intervals. This highly refined data is then used to develop mathematical models that predict the likelihood that a driver will be involved in an accident
“The mathematics education I received at Providence College has been invaluable to my career success. Between small class sizes and professors who were willing to spend time with me outside the classroom, I had ample opportunity to ask questions and cultivate my understanding. This gave me a sense of confidence that helped me move forward after graduation. The Providence College name also carries a lot of weight with it! On the elevator ride after my first interview at ISO, I met a Providence College alum who held a high position at the company. He’s part of the reason I was offered this job!”
Alena Mazotas
Computer Science major, Class of 2005.

After graduating from P.C., Alena helped with her family’s online store, including building a website. She then worked for the Connecticut chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. In 2009 she enrolled in the MBA program at American International College, studying in London (where she also studied during her junior year at P.C.) and interning in the IT department of M&G Investments.
She is currently working in Connecticut for Save the Children. Her first position there was as the Administrative Associate for the Web Team, a position where she used her programming skills to work on content updates. She was then promoted to Social Media Marketing Specialist, and is now the resident Pinja, growing the organization’s following on Pinterest. She also works on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+. Her current project involves finding the best way to utilize analytics for social media to find the return on investment and how the organization can connect with and reach its donors.
“I love what I do and I work for a great company with a worthwhile mission. It is funny to think that this job never existed while I was in college. I think Facebook only came to PC my senior year. I never could have guessed that this would be my career path. I love being on the edge of new technology, it is an exciting place to be. I also really enjoy working for a cause. I think my time at PC really helped me figure out my love of technology and helped me pair it with a sense of service to devote my time to give back to others.”
Mary Clare (Hazel) Kimber
Mathematics major, Class of 2001

Mary Clare received her J.D. from William and Mary in 2005. She is the Manager of Regulatory Policy for the Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association (PPTA), the primary advocate for the world’s leading source plasma collectors and producers of plasma-derived and recombinant biological therapeutics. She liaises with and represents PPTA before the regional authorities that regulate the plasma protein therapies industry, primarily the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. She sits on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Food and Drug Law Institute’s Food and Drug Policy Forum and has published in the scientific journals Haemophilia and Vox Sanguinis.
“The mathematics staff was very supportive and a key part of the well-rounded liberal arts curriculum offered at PC. My studies of logic, in particular, helped prepare me to practice law and now to represent a pharmaceutical industry before regional authorities as a regulatory professional. My mathematics background has enabled me to broaden my trade association work, including assisting in the development of a cost-utility model for the prophylactic treatment of hemophilia.”
William Wylie
Mathematics & Computer Science, Class of 2001
Will received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California Santa Barbara in 2006.
Since 2011 he has been an assistant professor of mathematics at Syracuse University. He teaches college courses at all levels and does research in differential geometry, which is the mathematics that underlies much of modern physics, including general relativity, cosmology, and string theory. He has also taught at UCLA and the University of Pennsylvania.
“I didn’t fully appreciate all of the the personalized attention and mentoring I received from the faculty of the PC math department until I compared my undergraduate experience to my peers’ in graduate school. The one-on-one reading courses with faculty I was able to take during my senior year were a unique opportunity that inspired me to pursue a career as a math researcher.”
Jennifer King
Mathematics major, Class of 1998

Jennifer King taught math at a Massachusetts high school for struggling students and then taught adults in Niger, West Africa. Upon return, she edited math textbooks for a large publisher in Boston. In 2006, Jen earned her M.A. in Teaching Mathematics at Boston University. For the past seven years, she has developed math curriculum and edited textbooks for Pearson’s middle and high school programs. Jen teaches developmental math at a community college to keep in touch with the classroom.
“I am so grateful for the education I received at Providence College. The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is an intimate and comfortable setting, and its professors are engaged and helpful teachers. As a math teacher myself, I know the struggle to keep students interested, so I am ever-impressed by the dynamic lectures delivered by the department’s personalities. I daily use the logic, problem solving, strict attention to detail, and structured work ethic that I honed in those classes.”