Adam Villa
Associate Professor
Ph.D. - Computer Science University of New Hampshire
Area(s) of Expertise:
Big Data, Computer Storage Systems, Computer Networking, Databases, Computer Security, Data Analytics
Selected Publications:
Villa, A. (2017) Evaluating Storage Performance: Activities to simulate storage configurations.
Villa, A. (2017) An eLearning Environment for Exploratory Analyses of Storage Systems.
Villa, A. Hands-on Computer Security with a Raspberry Pi. .(31), 4-10.
Villa, A. Zhang, Y. (2016) Big Data DB: Managing Big Data Transfers.
Villa, A. (2016) Big Data: Motivating the Development of an Advanced Database Systems Course. .(31), 119-128.
Villa, A. (2015) A Top Down Approach to an Introductory Database Systems Course using Web Applications. .(30), 63-74.
Villa, A. (2013) Performance Evaluation of Big Data Transmission Models. ( ), Computer Measurement Group (CMG)
Villa, A. (2013) Reinvigorating a Database Systems Course using Web Applications. (28),
Villa, A. (2012) Automating large file transfers.
Selected Presentations:
Villa, A. NorthEast Regional Computing Program. NORCOMP, Norwood, MA - "“Untethered Teaching: Modes and Methods”" June, 2018
Villa, A. Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges - Eastern Region Annual Conference. ACM SIGCSE, Galloway, NJ - "Paper: Big Data: Motivating the Development of an Advanced Database Systems Course" October, 2015
Villa, A. Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges - Eastern Region Annual Conference. ACM SIGCSE, York, PA - "Paper: A Top Down Approach to an Introductory Database Systems Course Using Web Applications" November, 2014
Villa, A. . Cyber Morality Group, Providence College - "Keeping the Pirates at Bay: the battle to protect Intellectual Property" November, 2013
Villa, A. Computer Measurement Group - Performance 2013 Conference. CMG, San Diego, CA - "Performance Evaluation of Big Data Transmission Models" November, 2013
Villa, A. International Conference on Internet Computing and Big Data. , Las Vegas, NV - "Paper: Storage Matters: Evaluating the Impact of Big Data Transfer Techniques on Storage Performance" July, 2013
Villa, A. Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges in the Northeast Region. , Albany, NY - "Reinvigorating a Database Systems Course Using Web Applications" April, 2013
Villa, A. Wheaton College Computer Science Department Lecture Series. Wheaton College, Norton, MA - "Moving Big Data across the Globe" April, 2013
Personal website