Su Jeong Kang

Associate Professor

Contact Information:


Howley Hall 214


Ph.D. - Purdue University

Area(s) of Expertise:

Algebraic Geometry

Selected Publications:

Kang, S. (2016) Refined Motivic Dimension of Some Fermat Varieties. Bulletin of Australian Mathematical Society .(93), 223-230.

Kang, S. (2015) Refined Motivic Dimension. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin.(58), 519-529.

Arapura, D. Chen, X. Kang, S. (2014) The smooth center of the cohomology of a singular variety. Contemporary Mathematics.(608), 1 - 19.

Arapura, D. Kang, S. (2011) Kahler-de Rham Cohomology and Chern classes. Communications in Algebra.(39), 1153-1167.

Kang, S. Lewis, J. (2010) Beilinson's Hodge conjecture for K1 revisited. Cycles, Motives and Shimura Varieties.197-215.

Arapura, D. Kang, S. (2007) Functoriality of the Coniveau filtration. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin.(50), 161-171.

Arapura, D. Kang, S. (2006) Coniveau and the Grothendieck group of varieties. Michigan Mathematical Journal.(54), 611-622.

Detailed CV