Laura Murray
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. - University of Notre Dame
Area(s) of Expertise:
Factorization algebras, TQFT, category theory, algebraic topology
Selected Publications:
Hoekzema, R. Merling, M. Murray, L. Rovi, C. Semikina, J. (2020) Cut and paste invariants of manifolds via algebraic K-theory. Topology and its Applications.
Nguyen, J. Teh, N. Murray, L. (2020) Why surplus structure is not superfluous. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.(71), 665--695.
Mathieu, P. Murray, L. Schenkel, A. Teh, N. (2020) Homological perspective on edge modes in linear Yang–Mills and Chern–Simons theory. Letters in Mathematical Physics.(110), 1559-1584.
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